Category: Reviews

Review in Quadrant, XLIV, 2015

By: Sherry Salman August 7th, 2016

In this thoroughly of the moment book, Salman sees the approaching reckoning with our slouching monster headed toward its postmodern Bethlehem as a confrontation with imagination itself, rather than with the parade of ideas, religions, or cultural and political systems that history has presented through the veil of Maya.
“Nightmares of Totality” Book review in Jung Journal: Culture & Psyche

By: Sherry Salman

The book shines…the strong emphasis on imagination and imagery is one of the powerhouses of her argument which is to come to terms with imagination and its dreams of totality. Her final chapter is an excellent set of steps for delving into the potential sense of living in a meaningless, or uncentered world… Salman provides an exceptional journey detailing how we seek to explain such a world by drawing on history, philosophy, psychology, and art.
Montreal Jung Society Review: Reading this essay I felt I was in the presence of something momentous….courageous and brilliant

By: Sherry Salman March 6th, 2014

Reading this book I felt I was in the presence of something momentous…courageous and brilliant… Salman is writing about the dreams in the world around us. Page after page, my neck hairs tingled at her insights on subjects including psychology, religion, politics, sexuality, pornography, globalization, corporate capitalism, the environment and, not least, social media and the World Wide Web. The world needs this essay and its plea for imagination and empathy.
Chronogram Review: A Provocative, rewarding read….

By: Sherry Salman

A provocative, rewarding read urging wakefulness…like a mythological weaver, Jungian psychoanalyst Salman pulls together a variety of strands, from Indra’s Net to the World Wide Web — dreams of totality, visions of utopias and dystopias. Her wide-ranging intellect and breadth of reference reverberates in the book’s 27 illustrations, from prehistoric stone circles to Tibetan mandalas and microphotographed stem cells.
Clarion Review: This fascinating examination of our reaction to change is both impressive and inspiring.

By: Sherry Salman January 29th, 2014

This fascinating examination of our reaction to change is both impressive and inspiring. Salman brings her considerable knowledge to bear on the ways humanity has coped with transitions in the past, and how we might approach things differently with the accelerated pace of change in the twenty-first century… as the network-based globalization of the Internet age, essentially centerless, may force us out of old patterns into a new level of connectedness.